I found this fascinating quote today:
- CCNP will now be three exams, ROUTE, SWITCH, and TSHOOT
- Exam price will increase from $150.00 to $200.00 per exam
- ROUTE and TSHOOT courses (typically 1 week Cisco official courses) are now supplemented with e-learning material (nearly 8 hours for ROUTE and 9 hours for TSHOOT) which is exam material
- Classes / Exams are becoming even MORE real-world (TSHOOT class is 92% hands-on)
- New ROUTE and SWITCH exam is available in March, TSHOOT is available in April.
- BSCI exam can substitute for ROUTE or vice versa
- BCMSN exam can substitute for SWITCH or vice versa
- ONT and ISCW exams can substitute for TSHOOT until end of July (ONT/ICSW exams expire then...BSCI and BCMSN are no longer offered after July 31, however can substitute for ROUTE / SWITCH for their entire 3 year expiration period).
- New CCNP exams now prepare you more for the CCIE R&S
ciscoblog.com, CCNP Update: Changes in a Nutshell, Jan 2010
You should read the whole article.